Arrest Dispositions
Criminal justice agencies submit arrest dispositions—the result of an arrest—to the FBI.
Next Generation Identification (NGI)
The Next Generation Identification (NGI) system provides the criminal justice community with the world's largest electronic repository of biometric information.
Biometric and Criminal History Record Training
Catalog and schedule of classes, workshops, and/or presentations being offered by the Resources Management Section’s Biometric Training Team (BTT).
Ordering Fingerprint Cards and Training Aids
Information on how to order fingerprint cards and training aids.
Recording Legible Fingerprints
The FBI offers information to law enforcement and other agencies on recording legible fingerprints in order to meet Bureau standards.
Biometric Identification Award Videos
The FBI Biometric Identification Award, formerly known as the Latent Hit of the Year Award, goes to an outstanding latent examiner or officer who worked a case.
Latent Prints
The FBI's latent print program ensures the quality and advancement of the latent print discipline by providing tools, training, and support for investigative, humanitarian, and intelligence programs.