By building bridges between the FBI and its large network of law enforcement partners, the Office of Partner Engagement (OPE) leads the way on:
- National-level information sharing
- Coordination for law enforcement association events
- Liaison efforts between public safety communities and FBI leaders
Our law enforcement partner relationships include:
- Federal agencies with law enforcement missions
- State, local, tribal, territorial, and campus law enforcement
- National law enforcement membership associations
OPE serves as a voice between FBI executive management and all law enforcement partners, helping mitigate issues and improve communication.
The information and resources on this page are for a law enforcement audience.
For general and historical information about the FBI visit fbi.gov.
For law enforcement training related to active shooter incidents, visit our training page.
For additional active shooter safety resources, visit fbi.gov/survive.
Active Shooter Safety Training
OPE conducts active shooter safety training for law enforcement and the public.
Active Shooter Reports
OPE publishes an Active Shooter annual incident report. OPE works proactively to identify incidents that meet the FBI definition of an active shooter using internal FBI information, official law enforcement reports (when possible), and other public information. OPE’s reports are not intended to explore all facets of active shooter incidents but rather provide law enforcement officers, other first responders, corporations, educators, and the public with a baseline understanding of active shooter incidents. The annual report details multiple statistics and provides a summary of each incident.
OPE National Partner Calls
During critical incidents or significant national events, OPE, in coordination with other government agencies, facilitates national-level partner calls. These calls inform law enforcement partners of an ongoing situation that may have national implications. On average, 1,500 partners participate in these calls, allowing efficient and valuable information sharing.
Fusion Centers
Law enforcement, public safety, and private-sector partners use fusion centers with a common purpose: prevent or solve criminal activity by improving information-sharing abilities. Serving as state and local focal points, fusion centers receive, analyze, and share major crime- and threat-related information.
The FBI’s real strength lies in the ability to work together with its partners as one law enforcement community. Many centers have FBI personnel working side-by-side with their fusion center colleagues, and a handful share spaces in FBI field offices.
Information Dissemination
By coordinating across multiple FBI divisions, OPE broadly disseminates threat intelligence products and related information on a daily basis to law enforcement, intelligence, and homeland security partners. For example, OPE sends out daily situation reports when a National Crisis Coordination Center is activated at the FBI. These products help enhance critical information sharing between the FBI and its law enforcement partners.
Law Enforcement Training and Resources
Direct any requests or questions to the training coordinators at your local field office.