"What Is NCIC?" Overview Video

This video provides information about the FBI's National Crime Information Center.

Video Transcript

What is the National Crime Information Center, or NCIC?

The NCIC is an information system.

The information NCIC contains are records contributed by local, state, federal, and tribal criminal justice agencies.

Records are organized into different types of person and property files within NCIC.

These records are then accessible to criminal justice agencies nationwide with the goal of assisting our partners with numerous criminal justice duties, such as apprehending fugitives, locating missing persons, identifying stolen property, and providing investigative intelligence pertaining to gangs, domestic and foreign terrorists, and those individuals who pose a physical threat to law enforcement.

Since its inception, NCIC has operated under a shared management concept known as the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Advisory Process in which policy is based upon recommendations from a board comprised of top administrators from the contributing agencies known as the CJIS Advisory Policy Board (APB).

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