Calendar Year 2023
Interpretation and Report Writing in Forensic Comparisons of Paint Evidence: An Interlaboratory Exercise, Mehltretter, Andria, et al. Forensic Chemistry (2023): 100513.
Evaluation of the Performance of Modern X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Systems for the Forensic Analysis of Glass, Corzo, R., Ernst, T., Insana, J., Martinez-Lopez, C., Webb, J., Haase, E., . . . Trejos, T. (2022). Forensic Chemistry, 31,100447. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forc.2022.100447
Characterization of Human Head Hairs via Proteomics. In R. D. Blackledge, Leading Edge Techniques in Forensic Trace Evidence Analysis (pp. 245-287), Donfack, J., Lawas, M., Abonamah, J. V., & Eckenrode, B. A. (2022). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. https://doi-org /10.1002/9781119591726.ch8
Storage and Decomposition of Pure and Clandestine Recipes of Peroxide Explosives, Gauthier, Q. T., & Simon, A. G. (2022). Forensic Chemistry, 31,100458. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forc.2022.100458
Reply to Kukucka: Calculating error rates in forensic handwriting examiner decisions, Hicklin, R. A., Eisenhart, L., Richetelli, N., Belcastro, P., Burkes, T. M., Smith, M., . . . Peters, E. M. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(52). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2217508119
Survey of Mounting Media Used for Hair and Fiber Microscopy, Lawas, M., Otterstatter, L. M., Friedman, J. D., & Donfack, J. (2022). Journal of the American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners, 12(1), 3-21.
Accuracy of Comparison Decisions by Forensic Firearms Examiner, Monson, K. L., Smith, E. D., & Peters, E. M. (2022). Journal of Forensic Sciences, 68(1), 86-100. https://doi.org/10.1111/1556-4029.15152
Pulse Lavage System (PLS) Versus Forensic Wet-vacuum Collection of Biological Material, Chaudhry, Hajara S., and Mark F. Kavlick. Forensic Science International: Genetics 64 (2023): 102845. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsigen.2023.102845
Adeno-associated Virus Type 2 in US Children with Acute Severe Hepatitis, Servellita, Venice, et al. Nature (2023): 1-3. s41586-023-05949-1_reference.pdf
Recognizability of Demographically Altered Computerized Facial Approximations in an Automated Facial Recognition Context for Potential Application in Unidentified Persons Data Repositories, Parks, Connie L., and Keith L. Monson. Biology 12.5 (2023): 682.
Evaluation of Library Preparation Workflows and Applications to Different Sample Types Using the PowerSeq® 46GY System with Massively Parallel Sequencing, Elwick, Kyleen, Patrick Rydzak, and James M. Robertson. Genes 14.5 (2023): 977.
Interpretation and Report Writing in Forensic Comparisons of Paint Evidence: An Inter-laboratory Exercise, Sirk, Donna J., et al. (2023).
From RAM to RhoMMeOH: Chemical Modification of the Cyanoacrylate Dye Stain RAM for Visualization of Latent Prints, Mills, Dawn M., et al. Journal of Forensic Identification 73.2 (2023): 123-141.
Toward Maintaining Canine Training Aid Integrity: Visualizing Contamination and Testing Storage Materials for a Non‐hazardous Canine Training Aid, Gauthier, Quentin T., Paige Riley, and Alison G. Simon. Journal of Forensic Sciences (2023).
Forensic Discrimination of Smokeless Powders Using Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios, Hlohowskyj, Stephan R., et al. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (2023).
Accuracy of Comparison Decisions by Forensic Firearms Examiners, Monson, Keith L., Erich D. Smith, and Eugene M. Peters. Journal of forensic sciences 68.1 (2023): 86-100.
Commentary on: Monson KL, Smith ED, Peters EM. Accuracy of Comparison Decisions by Forensic Firearms Examiners. J Forensic Sci. 2022; 68 (1): 86–100. https://doi. org/10.1111/1556‐4029.15152, Scurich, Nicholas, and Hal Stern. Journal of Forensic Sciences.
Authors' Response to Scurich et al Commentary on, Monson, Keith L., Erich D. Smith, and Eugene M. Peters. Journal of Forensic Sciences (2023).
Authors' Response to Gutierrez et al Commentary on. J Forensic Sci. 2023;68(3):1102-4. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.15256, Monson KL, Smith ED, Peters EM.
Calendar Year 2022
Forensic Spotlight: Dowsing for Human Remains—Considerations for Investigators, Easter, Michael A.
A Method for Characterizing Questioned Footwear Impression Quality, McVicker, B., et al. Journal of Forensic Identification 71.3 (2021): 205-216.
Detection of Bone Particles in Non-Carbonate Soils, Christensen, A. M. and I. S. Saginor (2021). Forensic Science International 329: 111091.
Towards the Development of a Human Scent Model. Canines: The Original Biosensors, Eckenrode, B., et al. (2022). Jenny Stanford Publishing: 275-315.
Elucidating the Relationships Between Two Automated Handwriting Feature Quantification Systems for Multiple Pairwise Comparisons, Fuglsby, C., et al. (2022). Journal of Forensic Sciences 67(2): 642-650.
An Interlaboratory Study to Evaluate the Forensic Analysis and Interpretation of Glass Evidence, Lambert, K., et al. (2022). Forensic Chemistry 27: 100378.
Evaluation of Eight Mounting Media and Acrylic Microscope Slides for Hair and Fiber Microscopy, Lawas, M., et al. (2021). Journal of the American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners 11(1): 23-64.
Characterization and Differentiation of Aluminum Powders Used in Improvised Explosive Devices. Part 2: Micromorphometric Method Refinement and Preliminary Statistical Analysis, Ommen, D. M., et al. (2022). Journal of Forensic Sciences 67(2): 505-515.
16.5.1: Case Study 1 (USA) Serial Killer Clandestine Grave Detection [32] Personal communication about Connecticut State Serial Killer Case Exam. Canines: The Original Biosensors, Schultz, C. A. (2022). Jenny Stanford Publishing.
How Science Supports and Law Influences Forensic Canine Utilization in the United States: Considerations for Human Scent Evidence (Trailing) and Human Remains Detection Canines. Canines: The Original Biosensors, Schultz, C., et al. (2022). Jenny Stanford Publishing: 317-378.
Preface. Canines: The Original Biosensors, Schultz, C. A. (2022). Jenny Stanford Publishing.
Rapid, Presumptive Identification of Seed-based Toxins Using Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS) and its Variants, Sisco, E., et al. (2022). Science & Justice 62(2): 145-151.
Recovery Rates of Latent Prints on Firearm, Magazine, and Cartridge Evidence: An FBI Case Study, Swank, M. and C. E. Davis (2021). Journal of Forensic Identification 71(1): 3-10.
When Does Handler Perception Become Canine Detection? How Applied Behavior Analysis and Ethology Can Improve Handler Interpretation of Canine Behavior. Canines: The Original Biosensors, Waterbury, A. and C. A. Schultz (2022). Jenny Stanford Publishing: 439-478.
Conducting and Reporting Paint Data Query (PDQ) Searches “Journal of the American Society for Trace Evidence Examiners, Wright, D. M. (2021). 11(1): 3-22.
Rapid Screening Procedures for a Variety of Complex Forensic Samples Using Laser Diode Thermal Desorption (LDTD) Coupled to Different Mass Spectrometers, Jagerdeo, E. and S. Auger (2022). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 36(9): e9244.
Next Generation Identification System: Latent Print Matching Algorithm and Casework Practices, Kyle, R. Tom , Kathryn B. Knorr, Christine E. Davis (2022). Forensic Science International 333 (2022) 11118.
Assessing Agreement Among Crime Scene Measurement Methods, Lawas, M., et al. (2022). Journal of Forensic Sciences n/a(n/a).
Improved DNA Extraction and Illumina Sequencing of DNA Recovered from Aged Rootless Hair Shafts Found in Relics Associated with the Romanov Family, Loreille, O., et al. (2022). Genes 13(2).
Planning, Design and Logistics of a Decision Analysis Study: The FBI/Ames Study Involving Forensic Firearms Examiners, Monson, K. L., et al. (2022). Forensic Science International: Synergy 4: 100221.
Real-time Monitoring of TATP Released from PDMS-based Canine Training Aids Versus Bulk TATP Using DART-MS, Simon, A. G., et al. (2021). Forensic Chemistry 23: 100315.
Effects of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) on Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP) Volatilization, Simon, A. G., et al. (2022). Forensic Chemistry 28: 100413.
Next Generation Identification System: Latent Print Matching Algorithm and Casework Practices, Tom, K. R., et al. (2022). Forensic Science International 332: 111180.
A Validated Method for the Analysis of Sugars and Sugar Alcohols Related to Explosives via Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) with Post-column Addition, Tsai, Y.-H., et al. (2022). Forensic Chemistry 28: 100404.
A New Implementation of a Semi-continuous Method for DNA Mixture Interpretation, Alfieri, J., et al. (2022). Forensic Science International: Reports 6: 100281.
Fractography of Bone Using Reconstructed Computed Tomography (CT) Scans: A Case Report Series, Christensen, A. M. and S. J. Decker (2022). Forensic Anthropology 5(1): 53-56.
Cone Cracking in Human Bone: A CT Case Review Series, Christensen, A. M. and J. M. Rickman (2022). Forensic Imaging: 200510.
Characterization of Fentanyl HCl Powder Prior to and After Systematic Degradation, Ciesielski, A. L., et al. (2022). Journal of Forensic Sciences: 1-10.
Assessment of Human Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA qPCR Assays for Quantification Accuracy Utilizing NIST SRM 2372a, Cropper, E., et al. (2022). Forensic Science International: Genetics 59: 102711.
Forensic Spotlight: Dowsing for Human Remains—Considerations for Investigators, Easter, M. A. and A. M. Christensen (2022). FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.
An Objective Inter-Comparison of Trash Mark Constellations Generated by Manual and Automated Detection Methods, Eisenhart, L., et al. (2022). Forensic Science International 335: 111291.
Recovery of DNA From Fired and Unfired Cartridge Casings: Comparison of Two DNA Collection Methods, Elwick, K., et al. (2022).Forensic Science International: Genetics 59: 102726.
Postmortem and Antemortem Forensic Assessment of Pediatric Fracture Healing from Radiographs and Machine Learning Classification, Kyllonen, K. M., et al. (2022). Biology 11(5): 749.
Cranial and Facial Inter-landmark Distances and Tissue Depth Dataset from Computed Tomography Scans of 388 Living Persons, Simmons-Ehrhardt, T. L., et al. (2022). Data in Brief 43: 108334.
Understanding Bombers’ Motivations: A Historical Study, Yeager, K. (2022). FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.
Accuracy, Reproducibility, and Repeatability of Forensic Footwear Examiner Decisions, Austin Hicklin, R., et al. (2022). Forensic Science International 339: 111418. 22.11
Evaluation of the Performance of Modern X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Systems for the Forensic Analysis of Glass, Corzo, R., et al. (2022). Forensic Chemistry 31: 100447.
Permeation of Human Scent Through Laboratory Examination Gloves, Gauthier, Q. T., et al. (2022). Journal of Forensic Sciences (Early View).
Accuracy and Reliability of Forensic Handwriting Comparisons, Hicklin, R. A., et al. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(32): e2119944119.
Assessment of Detection Limits for Dyed and Mounted Textile Fibers Using Raman Spectroscopy, Rydzak, P. M., et al. (2022). Journal of Forensic Sciences (Early View).
Analysis of Non-hazardous Canine Training Aids for Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP), Simon, A. G. (2022). Forensic Chemistry 30: 100440.
Validation of a Polymer Odor Capture-and-release (POCR) Aid for Training Canines to Detect Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP), Simon, A. G., et al. (2022). Forensic Chemistry (Early View)
Calendar Year 2021
Modernizing Medical Museums Through the 3D Digitization of Pathological Specimens, Pearlstein, Kristen E., et al. Biomedical Visualisation: Volume 10 (2021): 181-204.
Characterization and Differentiation of Aluminum Powders Used in Improvised Explosive Devices–Part 1: Proof of Concept of the Utility of Particle Micromorphometry, Baldaino, JenaMarie, et al. Journal of forensic sciences 66.1 (2021): 83-95.
Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of the Putative Skeletal Remains of Sieur de Marle: Genetic Support for Anthropological Assessment of Biogeographic Ancestry, Ambers, Angie, et al. Forensic Science International 320 (2021): 110682.
Comparison of Polymerases Used for Amplification of Mitochondrial DNA from Challenging Hairs and Hairs of Various Treatments, Damaso, Natalie, et al. Forensic Science International: Genetics 52 (2021): 102484.
Assessing the Microscale Heterogeneity in Standard Reference Material 4600 Surrogate Post-detonation Urban Debris, Mann, Jacqueline L., et al. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 172 (2021): 109651.
Real-time Monitoring of TATP Released from PDMS-based Canine Training Aids Versus Bulk TATP Using DART-MS, Simon, Alison G., et al. Forensic Chemistry 23 (2021): 100315.
Modeling Allelic Analyte Signals for aSTRs in NGS DNA Profiles, Cheng, Kevin, et al. Journal of Forensic Sciences 66.4 (2021): 1234-1245.
Persistence and Recovery of DNA on Submerged Duct Tape, Forger, Luisa V., et al. Forensic Genomics 1.2 (2021): 50-59.
Assessing the Microscale Heterogeneity in Standard Reference Material 4600 Surrogate Post-detonation Urban Debris, Mann, Jacqueline L., et al. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 172 (2021): 109651.
Forensic Fractography of Bone: Fracture Origins from Impacts, and an Improved Understanding of the Failure Mechanism Involved in Beveling, Christensen, Angi M., John M. Rickman, and Hugh E. Berryman. (2021).
Cryptic Communications Used by MS-13 and 18th Street Gangs, Affeldt, Jessica. Dep't of Just. J. Fed. L. & Prac. 68 (2020): 207.
Characterizing Missed Identifications and Errors in Latent Fingerprint Comparisons Using Eye-tracking Data, Busey, Thomas A., et al. Plos one 16.5 (2021): e0251674.
DNA-Based Analysis of Plant Material in Forensic Investigations, Robertson, James M., Natalie Damaso, and Kelly A. Meiklejohn. Handbook of DNA Profiling (2020): 1-32.
Soil Survey Laboratory Grain Count Data to Substantiate the Rarity of Mineral Grains in Forensic Soil Reports of Examination, Stern, Libby A., et al. Journal of Forensic Sciences 66.6 (2021): 2413-2423.
Assessing Protein Sequencing in Human Single Hair Shafts of Decreasing Lengths, Jones, Katherine F., et al. Forensic Science International: Genetics 44 (2020): 102145.
Assessment of Presentation Methods for ReFace Computerized Facial Approximations, Richard, Adam H., Connie L. Parks, and Keith L. Monson. Forensic science international 242 (2014): 283-292.
A Case of Split-Line Research Specimens Submitted for Forensic Anthropological Analysis, Christensen, Angi M., Leslie S. Larsen, and Brian F. Spatola. "A Case of Split-Line Research Specimens Submitted for Forensic Anthropological Analysis." Forensic Anthropology 2.3 (2019): 189-193.
Proteomic Analysis of Decedent Scalp Hair Segments Exhibiting a Postmortem Hair Root Band, Donfack, Joseph, et al. Forensic Chemistry 18 (2020): 100226.
Strengths, Limitations, and Recommendations for Instrumental Color Measurement in Bair, Bethany R., and Kelly C. Talebian.
Pattern Type Frequencies in Middle Eastern Populations, Dong, Christine E., et al. Journal of Forensic Identification 69.2 (2019).
Assessment of BOLD and GenBank–Their Accuracy and Reliability for the Identification of Biological Materials, Meiklejohn, Kelly A., Natalie Damaso, and James M. Robertson. PloS one 14.6 (2019): e0217084.
Identification of Human Skeletal Remains at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Laboratory, Christensen, Angi M., et al. Forensic Science and Humanitarian Action: Interacting with the Dead and the Living (2020): 571-592.
Assessing Protein Sequencing in Human Single Hair Shafts of Decreasing Lengths, Jones, Katherine F., et al. Forensic Science International: Genetics 44 (2020): 102145.
U-statistics for Estimating Performance Metrics in Forensic Handwriting Analysis, Fuglsby, Cami, Christopher P. Saunders, and JoAnn Buscaglia. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 90.6 (2020): 1082-1117.
Explosive Analysis: Introduction to Post-Blast Analysis, Crane Calhoun, B. M., and R. F. Mothershead. Forensic Analysis of Fire Debris and Explosives (2019): 227-255.Chapter Title: Explosives Analysis: Introduction to Post-Blast Analysis of Fire Debris and Explosives
Explosive Device Componentry and Evaluation. Yeager, Kirk, and John Jermain. Forensic Analysis of Fire Debris and Explosives (2019): 257-283.
Handbook of Trace Evidence Analysis, Desiderio, Vincent J., Chris E. Taylor, and Niamh Nic Daéid, eds. John Wiley & Sons, 2020.
Assessing Single-Source Reproducibility of Human Head Hair Peptide Profiling from Different Regions of the Scalp, Lawas, Maria, et al. Forensic Science International: Genetics 50 (2021): 102396.
Fractography of Long Bones with High-Velocity Projectile Trauma, Lillard, Kimberleigh. Forensic Anthropology 3.3 (2020): 135.
A Comparison of Two Gelatin Consolidants for the Preservation of Thermally Altered Skeletal Remains, Bishop, Natalie, and Angi M. Christensen. Forensic Anthropology 3.3 (2020): 160-164.
Optimization and Evaluation of Spectral Comparisons of Electrical Tape Backings by X-ray Fluorescence, Brooks, Evie, et al. Forensic Chemistry 21 (2020): 100291.
LQMetric: a Latent Fingerprint Quality Metric for Predicting AFIS Performance and Assessing the Value of Latent Fingerprint, Kalka, Nathan D., Michael Beachler, and R. Austin Hicklin. Journal of Forensic Identification 70.4 (2020): 443-463.
Developing More Uniform Comparison Language in Forensic Science Reporting, Wright, Diana. ASTEE Newsletter SPECTROSCOPY 35.7 (2020): 33-36.
Why do Latent Fingerprint Examiners Differ in Their Conclusions?, Hicklin, R. Austin, et al. Forensic Science International 316 (2020): 110542.
Jail and Prison Communications in Gang Investigations, Hull, Scott. Dep't of Just. J. Fed. L. & Prac. 68 (2020): 9.
Are You Maximizing Ledgers and Other Business Records in Drug and Organized Crime Investigations?, Corradetti, Melissa. Dep't of Just. J. Fed. L. & Prac. 68 (2020): 3.
Strengths, Limitations, and Recommendations for Instrumental Color Measurement in Forensic Soil Characterization, Christine E. Dong, Jodi B. Webb, Maureen Bottrell, Ian Saginor, Brad Lee, and Libby Stern, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2019, in press. E-Published 9/16/2019. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.14193
On-site Detection of Fentanyl and its Derivatives by Field Portable Nano-liquid Chromatography-electron Ionization-mass Spectrometry (nLC-EI-MS), Jocelyn V. Abonamah, Brian Eckenrode, and Mehdi Moini, Forensic Chemistry, 2019, December, Vol 16, Art 100180. E-Published 8/26/2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.forc.2019.100180
Assessment of BOLD and GenBank – Their Accuracy and Reliability for the Identification of Biological Materials, Kelly A. Meiklejohn, Natalie Damaso, and James M. Robertson, PLOS ONE, 2019. E-Published 6/19/2019. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217084
Gaze Behavior and Cognitive States During Fingerprint Target Group Localization, R. Austin Hicklin, Bradford T. Ulery, Thomas A. Busey, Maria Antonia Roberts, and JoAnn Buscaglia, Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 2019, December, Vol 4, Art 12. E-Published 4/5/2019. DOI: 10.1186/s41235-019-0160-9
The Permanence of Friction Ridge Skin and Persistence of Friction Ridge Skin and Impressions: A Comprehensive Review and New Results, Keith Monson, Maria Antonia Roberts, Kathryn Knorr, Sherine Ali, Stephen Meagher, Kevin Biggs, Patti Blume, Donna Brandelli, Albert Marzioli, Robert Reneau, and Frank Tarasi, Forensic Science International, 2019, April, Vol 297, pp 111-131. E-Published 2/8/2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.01.046
Assessment of the Utility of X-ray Fluorescence for the Chemical Characterization and Comparison of Black Electrical Tape Backings, Meghan Prusinowski, Andria Mehltretter, Claudia Martinez-Lopez, Jose Almirall, Tatiana Trejos, Forensic Chemistry, 2019, May, Vol 13, Art 100146. E-Published 2/4/2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.forc.2019.100146
Geographic Attribution of Soils Using Probabilistic Modeling of GIS Data for Forensic Search Efforts, Libby Stern, Jodi B. Webb, Debra Willard, Christopher Bernhardt, David Korejwo, Maureen Bottrell, Garrett McMahon, Nancy McMillan, Jared Schuetter, and Jack Hietpas, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2019, February, Vol 20, No 2, pp 913-932. E-Published 12/5/2018. DOI: 10.1029/2018GC007872
Development of a Triplex mtDNA qPCR Assay to Assess Quantification, Degradation, Inhibition, and Amplification Target Copy Numbers, Mark F. Kavlick, Mitochondrion, 2019, May, Vol 46, pp 41-50. E-Published 9/25/2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.mito.2018.09.007
Timing and Appearance of Postmortem Root Banding in Nonhuman Mammals, Adam H. Richard, Jack Hietpas, JoAnn Buscaglia, and Keith L. Monson, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2019, January, Vol 64, No 1, pp 98-107. E-Published 5/9/2018. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.13810
Development of a Universal Internal Positive Control, Mark Kavlick, BioTechniques, 2018, November, Vol 65, No 5, pp 275-280. E-Published 11/5/2018. DOI: 10.2144/btn-2018-0034
A Study of the Intrinsic Variability and the Effect of Environmental Conditions on the Formation of Postmortem Root Band, Natalie Damaso, Katherine Jones, Traci Carlson, Jamie Fleming, Dawnie Steadman, Lee Jantz, Kathleen Hauther, Linda Otterstatter, and Joseph Donfack, Forensic Science International, 2018, December, Vol 293, pp 63-69. E-Published 10/25/2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.09.032
Application of Co-polymeric Solid Phase Extraction Cartridge to Residues Containing Nitro-organic Explosives, Jennifer Thomas, Christopher Donnelly, Erin Lloyd, Robert Mothershead, Jason V. Miller, David A McCollam, and Mark L. Miller, Forensic Chemistry, 2018, December, Vol 11, pp 38-46. E-Published 8/31/2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.forc.2018.08.006
Recognizability of Computer-generated Facial Approximations in an Automated Facial Recognition Context for Potential Use in Unidentified Persons Data Repositories: Optimally and Operationally Modeled Conditions, Connie Parks and Keith Monson, Forensic Science International, 2018, October, Vol 291, pp 272-278. E-Published 8/11/2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.07.024
An Automated Independent Workflow for the Analysis of Massively Parallel Sequence Data from Forensic SNP Assays, James Robertson, Nick Vlachos, and Kelly Meiklejohn, Electrophoresis, 2018, November, Vol 39, No 21, pp 2752-2756. E-Published 7/16/2018. DOI: 10.1002/elps.201800085
UPLC-Orbitrap Screening for Over 35 Drugs of Abuse and Metabolites in Biological Fluids in Under 10 min., Eshwar Jagerdeo and Jason E. Schaff, Analysis of Drugs of Abuse/Methods in Molecular Biology, 2018, Vol 1810, pp 75-87. E-Published 7/6/2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-8579-1_7
Protein Extraction from Human Anagen Head Hairs One Millimeter or Less in Total Length, Traci L. Carlson, Mehdi Moini, Brian Eckenrode, Brent M. Allred, and Joseph Donfack, BioTechniques, 2018, April, Vol 64, No 4, pp 170-176. E-Published 4/12/2018. DOI: 10.2144/btn-2018-2004
A Review and Conceptual Model of Factors Correlated with Postmortem Root Band Formation, Joseph Donfack and Hilda S. Castillo, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2018, November, Vol 63, No 6, pp 1628-1633. E-Published 3/12/2018. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.13776
Biometric Correspondence Between Reface Computerized Facial Approximations and CT-derived Ground Truth Skin Surface Models Objectively Examined Using an Automated Facial Recognition System, Connie Parks and Keith Monson, Forensic Science International, 2018, May, Vol 286, pp 8-11. E-Published 2/27/2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.02.019
A Protocol for Obtaining DNA Barcodes from Plant and Insect Fragments Isolated from Forensic-type Soils, Kelly A. Meiklejohn, Megan L. Jackson, Libby A. Stern, and James M. Robertson, International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2018, November, Vol 132, No 6, pp 1515-1526. E-Published 2/8/2018. DOI: 10.1007/s00414-018-1772-1
Potential Effects of Ionizing Radiation on the Evidentiary Value of DNA, Latent Fingerprints, Hair and Fibers: A Comprehensive Review and New Results, Keith L. Monson, Sherine Ali, Michael D. Brandhagen, Martine C. Duff, Constance L. Fisher, Karen K. Lowe, Carna E. Meyer, Maria A. Roberts, Klye R. Tom, and Aaron L. Washington, II, Forensic Science International, 2018, March, Vol 284, pp 204-218. E-Published 1/31/2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.01/012
Integration of Paper Spray Ionization-high Field Asymmetric Waveform Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Forensic Applications, Chai-Wei Tsai; Christopher A. Tipple, and Richard A. Yost, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2018, April, Vol 32, No 7, pp 552-560. E-Published 1/30/2018. DOI: 10.1002/rcm.8068
Development and Validation of a Solid Phase Extraction Sample Cleanup Procedure for the Recovery of Trace Levels of Nitro-organic Explosives in Soil, Christopher C. Donnelly, Erin W. Lloyd, Robert F. Mothershead, II, Mark L. Miller, and Jennifer L. Thomas, Forensic Science International, 2018, March, Vol 284, pp 65-77, E-Published 12/19/2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.12.018.
Effect of Sterilants on Amplification and Detection of Target DNA from Bacillus cereus Spores, James M. Robertson, Douglas Anders, Francene Basalyga, Julie Millar, Donia Palmom Slack, and Robert Bever, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2018, May, Vol 63, No 3, pp 699-707. E-Published 11/15/2017. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.13653
Automated Facial Recognition of Manually Generated Clay Facial Approximations: Potential Application in Unidentified Persons Data Repositories, Connie L. Parks and Keith Monson, Forensic Science International, 2018, January, Vol 282, pp 133-136. E-Published 11/13/2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.11.013
Isolation of Mitochondrial DNA from Single, Short Hairs Without Roots Using Pressure Cycling Technology, Kathryn A. Harper, Kelly A. Meiklejohn, Richard T. Merritt, Jessica Walker, Constance L. Fisher, and James M. Robertson, SLAS Technology: Translating Life Sciences Innovation, 2018, February, Vol 32, No 1, pp 97-105. E-Published 10/04/2017. DOI: 10.1177/2472630317732073
Forensic Utility of a Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Ratio Time Series of Ammonium Nitrate and its Isolated Ions, Brittany L. Grimm, Libby A. Stern, and Alexander J. Lowe, Talanta, 2018, February, Vol 178, pp 94-101. E-Published 9/5/2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2017.08.105
Stature Estimation using Measurements of the Cranium for Populations in the United States, Kelsey M. Kyllonen, Terrie Simons-Ehrhardt, and Keith Monson, Forensic Science International, 2017, December, Vol 281, pp 184.e1-184.e9. E-Published 10/18/2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.10.011
Exploring the Analysis and Differentiation of Plastic Explosives by Comprehensive Multidimensional Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry (GC X GC–MS) with a Statistical Approach, Chia-Wei Tsai, Sarah J. Milam, and Christopher A. Tipple, Forensic Chemistry, 2017, December, Vol 6, pp 10-18. E-Published 8/23/2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.forc.2017.08.003
Evaluation of the Precision ID Panel for the ION Torrent PGM Sequencer, Kelly A. Meiklejohn and James Robertson, Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2017, November, Vol 31, pp 48-56. E-Published 8/9/2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2017.08.009
Recognition of Computerized Facial Approximations by Familiar Assessors, Adam H. Richard and Keith L. Monson, Science & Justice, 2017, November, Vol 57, No 6, pp 431-438. E-Published 6/20/2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.scijus.2017.06.004
Application of Enhanced Point Estimators to a Sample of In Vivo CT-derived Facial Soft Tissue Thicknesses, Connie L. Parks, Kelsey M. Kyllonen, and Keith L. Monson, Journal of Forensic Science, 2017, July, Vol 62, No 4, pp 994-997. E-Published 6/1/2017. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.13356
Factors Associated with Latent Fingerprint Exclusion Determinations, Bradford T. Ulery, R. Austin Hicklin, Maria Antonia Roberts, and JoAnn Buscaglia, Forensic Science International, 2017, June, Vol 275, pp 65-75. E-Published: 2/22/2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.02.011
A Set of Handwriting Features for Use in Automated Writer Identification, John J. Miller, Robert Bradley Patterson, Donald T. Gantz, Christopher P. Saunders, Mark A. Walch, and JoAnne Buscaglia, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2017, May, Vol 62, No 3, pp 722-734. E-Published 1/5/2017. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.13345
Accuracy Rates of Ancestry Estimation by Forensic Anthropologists Using Identified Forensic Cases, Richard M. Thomas, Connie L. Parks, and Adam H. Richard, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2017, July, Vol 62, No 4, pp 971-974. E-Published 1/30/2017. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.1336
Visible and UV Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of the Peroxide-based Explosive HMTD and its Photoproducts, Brian S. Leigh, Keith L. Monson, and Judy E. Kim, Forensic Chemistry, 2016, November, Vol 2, pp 22-28. E-Published 8/21/2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.forc.2016.08.002
Microscopical Characterization of Known Postmortem Root Bands Using Light and Scanning Electron Microscopy, Jack Hietpas, JoAnn Buscaglia, Adam H. Richard, Stephen Shaw, Hilda S. Castillo, and Joseph Donfack, Forensic Science International, 2016, October, Vol 267, pp 7-15. E-Published 7/18/2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.07.009
Accuracy Rates of Sex Estimation by Forensic Anthropologists through Comparison with DNA Typing Results in Forensic Casework, Richard M. Thomas, Connie L. Parks, and Adam H. Richard, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2016, September, Vol 61, No 5, pp 1307-1310. E-Published 6/29/2016. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.13137
Automated Facial Recognition and Candidate List Rank Change of Computer Generated Facial Approximations Generated with Multiple Eye Orb Positions, Connie L. Parks and Keith M. Monson, Forensic Science International, 2016, September, Vol 266, pp 396-398. E-Published 6/23/2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.06.023
An Investigation into the Concurrent Collection of Human Scent and Epithelial Skin Cells using a Non-contact Sampling Device, Norma Iris Caraballo, Julian Mendel, Howard Holness, Joel La Salvia, Tina Moroos, Brian Eckenrode, Rex Stockham, Kenneth Furton, and DeEtta Mills, Forensic Science International, 2016, September, Vol 266; pp 148-159. E-Published 6/2/2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.05.019
Data on the Inter Examiner Variation of Minutia Markup on Latent Fingerprints, Bradford T. Ulery, R. Austin Hicklin, Maria Antonia Roberts, and JoAnn Buscaglia, Data in Brief, 2016, September, Vol 8, pp 158-190. E-Published 5/4/2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.04.068
Interexaminer Variation of Minutia Markup on Latent Fingerprints, Bradford T. Ulery, R. Austin Hicklin, Maria Antonia Roberts, and JoAnn Buscaglia, Forensic Science International, 2016. E-Published 3/18/2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.03.014
Response to “Facial Soft Tissue Thickness: Noise, Signal, and P. by Stephan, Munn and Caple”, Connie Parks, Adam H. Richard, and Keith L. Monson, Forensic Science International, 2016, February. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2016.01.032
52 additional reference population samples for the 55 AISNP panel, Andrew J. Pakstis, Eva Haigh, Lotfi Cherni, Amel Ben Ammar ElGaaied, Alison Barton, Baigalmaa Evsanaa, Ariunaa Togtokh, Jane Brissenden, Janet Roscoe, Ozlem Bulbul, Gonul Filoglu, Cemal Gurkan, Kelly A. Meiklejohn, James M. Robertson, Cai-Xia Li, Yi-Liang Wei, Hui Li, Usha Soundararajan, Haseena Rajeevan, Judith R. Kidd, and Kenneth K. Kidd, Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2015, November, Vol 19, pp 269-271. E-Published 8/14/2015. DOI: 10.1016.j.fsigen2015.08.003
Quantification of Human Mitochondrial DNA Using Synthesized DNA Standards, United States Patent, Mark F. Kavlick and Bruce Budowle, Patent No. US 9,080,205 B2, July 14, 2015.
Fatty Acid Profiles for Differentiating Growth Medium Formulations Used to Culture Bacillus cereus T-strain Spores, Christopher J. Ehrhardt, Devonie L. Murphy, James M. Robertson, and Jason D. Bannan, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2015, July, Vol 60, No 4, pp 1022-1029. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.12771
Post-Blast Analysis of Hexamethylene Triperoxide Diamine using Liquid Chromatography-Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization-Mass Spectrometry, Christine M. Marsh, Robert F. Mothershead II, and Mark L. Miller, Science and Justice, 2015, September, Vol 55, Issue 5, pp 299-306. E-Published 6/15/2015. DOI:10.1016/j.scijus.205.05.006
Forensic Differentiation of Bacillus cereus Spores Grown Using Different Culture Media Using Raman Spectroscopy, Joshua R. Dettman, Jessica M. Goss, Christopher J. Ehrhardt, Kristina A. Scott, Jason D. Bannan, and James M. Robertson, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015, June, Vol 407, No 16, pp 407: 4757-4766. ISSN 1618-2642. E-Published 4/19/2015. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-015-866-3
Evaluation of Four Fingerprint Development Methods for Touch Chemistry using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, Kimberly A. Kaplan-Sandquist, Marc A. LeBeau, Mark L. Miller, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2015, May, Vol 60, No 3. E-Published 2/24/2015. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.12718
Intra-Roll and Intra-Jumbo Roll Variation of Duct Tapes, Andria H. Mehltretter, Diana M. Wright, Joshua R. Dettman, Michael A. Smith; Journal of the American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners, 2015, January, Vol 6, Issue 1, pp 21-41. ISSN: 2156-9797
Mass Spectrometry-Based cDNA Profiling as a Potential Tool for Human Body Fluid Identification, Joseph Donfack, Anissa Wiley; Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2015, May, Vol 16, pp 112-120. E-Published 1/7/2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2014.12.008
Changes in Latent Fingerprint Examiners’ Markup Between Analysis and Comparison, Bradford T. Ulery, R. Austin Hicklin, Maria Antonia Roberts, JoAnn Buscaglia, Forensic Science International, 2015, February, Volume 247, pp 54-61. E-Published 12/4/2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.11.021
Measuring What Latent Fingerprint Examiners Consider Sufficient Information for Individualization Determinations, Bradford T. Ulery, R. Austin Hicklin, Maria Antonia Roberts, JoAnn Buscaglia; Public Library of Science (PLoS) One, 2014, November, Vol 9, No 11, e110179. E-Published: 11/05/2014. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110179; February 6, 2015 Correction: PLoS ONE, Vol 10, No 2, e0118172. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0118172
A Novel Approach for Latent Print Identification Using Accurate Overlays to Prioritize Reference Prints, Daniel T. Gantz, Donald T. Gantz, Mark A. Walch, Maria Antonia Roberts, JoAnn Buscaglia; Forensic Science International, 2014, December, Vol 245, pp 162-170. E-Published 10/24/2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.10.026
Evaluation of Commercial Kits for Dual Extraction of DNA and RNA from Human Body Fluids, Andrew J. Schweighardt, Courtney M. Tate, Kristina A. Scott, Kathryn A. Harper, James M. Robertson; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2015, January, Vol 60, No 1, pp157-165.. E-Published 10/05/2014. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.12586
In response to Haber and Haber, “Experimental Results of Fingerprint Comparison Validity and Reliability: A review and Critical Analysis,” R. Austin Hicklin, Bradford T. Ulery, JoAnn Buscaglia, Maria Antonia Roberts, Science and Justice, 2014, Vol 54, pp 390-391. E-Published 9/30/2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.scijus.2014.06.007; Supplementary Information: Annex
Cathodoluminescence Dependence on Feldspar Mineral Structure and Implications for Forensic Geology, Sarah A. Brokus, Danielle K. Silletti, J. Mark Lunderberg, Paul A. DeYoung, Graham F. Peaslee, Dyanne E. Carpenter, JoAnn Buscaglia, American Mineralogist, 2015, February-March , Vol. 100, pp. 451-458. E-Published 9/3/2014. DOI: 10.2138/am-2015-4661
Forensic Discrimination of Copper Wire Using Trace Element Concentrations, Joshua R. Dettman, Alyssa A Cassabaum, Christopher P. Saunders, Deanna L Snyder, JoAnn Buscaglia; Analytical Chemistry, 2014, Vol 86, Issue 16, pp 8176-8182. E-Published 7/9/2014. DOI: 10.1021/ac5013514
Comprehensive Characterization of Commercially Available Canine Training Aids, Christopher A. Tipple, Patricia T. Caldwell, Brian M. Kile, Douglas J. Beussman, Blake Rushing, Natalie J. Mitchell, Christian J. Whitchurch, Martin Grime, Rex Stockham, Brian A. Eckenrode; Forensic Science International, 2014, September, Vol 242, pp 242–254. E-published 7/5/2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.06.033
Assessment of Presentation Methods for ReFace Computerized Facial Approximations, Adam H. Richard, Connie L. Parks, Keith L. Monson; Forensic Science International, 2014, Vol 242, pp 283-292. E-Published 6/25/2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.06.014
Accuracy of Standard Craniometric Measurements Using Multiple Data Formats, Adam H. Richard, Connie L. Parks, Keith L. Monson; Forensic Science International, 2014, Vol 242, pp 177-185. E-Published 6/25/2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.06.015
Assessing PreCR Repair Enzymes for Restoration of STR Profiles from Artificially Degraded DNA for Human Identification, James M. Robertson, Shauna M. Dineen, Kristina A. Scott, Jonathan Lucyshyn, Maria Saeed, Devonie L. Murphy, Andrew J. Schweighardt, Kelly A. Meiklejohn; Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2014, Vol 12, pp 168-180. E-Published 6/16/2014. DOI:10.1016/j.fsigen.2014.05.011
Discovery of Syn-/Anti-Cocaine-N-Oxide Diastereomers in Unwashed Postmortem Hair via LC-MS-MS, Christine M. Marsh, Lindsey R. Crawley, Sarah K. Himes, Roman Aranda IV, Mark L. Miller; Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2014, Vol 38, Issue 6, pp 360-367. E-Published 4/29/2014. DOI: 10.1093/jat/bku041
Internal Validation of Human Mitochondrial DNA Quantification Using Real-Time PCR, Marc L. Sprouse, Nicole R. Phillips, Mark F. Kavlick, Rhonda K. Roby; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2014, Vol 59, pp 1049-1056. E-Published 4/7/2014. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.12477
Preliminary Assessment of Facial Soft Tissue Thickness Utilizing Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography Models of Living Individuals, Connie L. Parks, Adam H. Richard, Keith L. Monson; Forensic Science International, 2014, Vol 237, pp 146.e1-146.e10. E-Published 1/21/2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.12.043
Chemical Analysis of Pharmaceuticals and Explosives in Fingermarks using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, Kimberly Kaplan-Sandquist, Marc A. LeBeau, Mark L. Miller; Forensic Science International, 2014, Vol 235, February, pp 68-77. E-Published 12/16/2013. DOI:10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.11.016
Evaluation of DNAstableTM for DNA Storage at Ambient Temperature, Susanne Howlett, Hilda S. Castillo, Lora Gioeni, James Robertson, Joseph Donfack; Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2014, Vol 8, Issue 1, January, pp 170 - 178. E-Published 9/10/2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2013.09.003
Preliminary Performance Assessment of Computer Automated Facial Approximations Using Computed Tomography Scans of Living Individuals, Connie L. Parks, Adam H. Richard, Keith L. Monson; Forensic Science International, 2013, Vol 233, Issue 1-3, 12/10/2013, pp 133-139. E-Published 9/8/2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.08.031
Application of a High Surface Area Solid Phase Microextraction Air Sampling Device: Collection and Analysis of Chemical Warfare Agent Surrogate and Degradation Compounds, Michael E. Stevens, Christopher A. Tipple, Philip A. Smith, David Cho, Robert V. Mustacich, Brian A. Eckenrode; Analytical Chemistry, 2013, Vol 85, No 18, pp 8626-8633. E-Published 8/1/2013. DOI: 10.1021/ac401033a
Forensic Analysis of Glass by µ-XRF, ICP-MS, SN-ICP_MS, LA-ICP-MS and LA-ICP-OES: Evaluation of the Performance of Different Criteria for Comparing Elemental Composition, Tatiana Trejos, Robert Koons, Peter Weis, Stefan Becker, Ted Berman, Claude Dalpe, Marc Duecking, JoAnn Buscaglia, Tiffany Eckert-Lumsdon, Troy Ernst, Christopher Hanlon, Alex Heydon, Kim Mooney, Randall Nelson, Kristine Olsson, Emily Schenk, Christopher Palenik, Edward Chip Pollock, David Rudell, Scott Ryland, Anamary Tarifa, Melissa Valadez, Andrew van Es, Vincent Zdanowicz, Jose Almirall ; Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectometry, 2013, Vol 28, No 8, August, pp1270-1282. E-Published 6/11/2013. DOI: 10.1039/c3ja50128k
Gaseous byproducts from high-temperature thermal conversion elemental analysis of nitrogen- and sulfur-bearing compounds with considerations for δ2H and δ18O analyses, Glendon B. Hunsinger, Christopher A. Tipple, Libby A. Stern; Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2013, July, Vol 27, Issue 14, pp 1649-1659. E-published 6/10/2013. DOI: 10.1002/rcm.6608
Cross-validation and Evaluation of the Performance of Methods for the Elemental Analysis of Forensic Glass by µ-XRF, ICP-MS, and LA-ICP-MS, Tatiana Trejos, Robert Koons, Stefan Becker, Ted Berman, JoAnn Buscaglia, Marc Duecking, Tiffany Eckert-Lumsdon, Troy Ernst, Christopher Hanlon, Alex Heydon, Kim Mooney, Randall Nelson, Kristine Olsson, Christopher Palenik, Edward Chip Pollock, David Rudell, Scott Ryland, Anamary Tarifa, Melissa Valadez, Peter Weis, Jose Almirall; Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2013, June, Vol 405, Issue 16, pp 5393-5409. E-published 5/15/2013. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-013-6978-y
The Microbial Rosetta Stone Central Agricultural Database: An Information Resource on High Consequence Plant Pathogens, Sophia Kamenidou, Anne Simonson, Ravi Jain, Kumar Hari, James M. Robertson, Jacqueline Fletcher; Plant Disease, 2013, Vol 97, No 8, pp 1097-1102. E-Published 2/20/2013. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-03-12-0263-RE
Understanding the Sufficiency of Information for Latent Fingerprint Value Determinations, Bradford T. Ulery, R. Austin Hicklin, George I. Kiebizinski, Maria Antonia Roberts, JoAnn Buscaglia; Forensic Science International, 2013, July, Vol 230, pp 99-106. E-Published 2/7/2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.01.012
Assessing the Clarity of Friction Ridge Impressions, R. Austin Hicklin, JoAnn Buscaglia, Maria Antonia Roberts; Forensic Science International, 2013, March, Vol 226, pp 106-117. E-Published 1/9/2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.12.015
Signal-to-Noise Ratios in Forensic Glass Analysis by Micro X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, T. Ernst, T. Berman, J. Buscaglia, T. Eckert-Lumsdon, C. Hanlon, K. Olsson, C. Palenik, S. Ryland, T. Trejos, M. Valadez, J.R. Almirall; Journal of X-Ray Spectrometry, 2014, Vol 43, pp 13-21. E-Published 12/21/2012. DOI: 10.1002/xrs.2437
First All-in-One Diagnostic Tool for DNA Intelligence: Genome-wide Inference of Biogeographic Ancestry, Appearance, Relatedness, and Sex With The Identitas V1 Forensic Chip, Brendan Keating, Aruna T. Bansal, Susan Walsh, Jonathan Millman, Jonathan Newman, Kenneth Kidd, Bruce Budowle, Arthur Eisenberg, Joseph Donfack, Paolo Gasparini, Zoran Budimlija, Anjali K. Henders, Hareesh Chandrupatla, David L. Duffy, Scott D. Gordon, Pirro Hysi, Fan Liu, Sarah E. Medland, Laurence Rubin, Nicholas G. Martin, Timothy D. Spector, Manfred Kayser, on behalf of the International Visible Trait Genetics (VisiGen) Consortium; International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2013, May, Vol 127, Issue 3, pp 559-572. E-Published 11/13/2012. DOI: 10.1007/s00414-012-0788-1
Forensic Applications of Light-Element Stable Isotope Ratios of Ricinus communis Seeds and Ricin Preparations, Helen W. Kreuzer, Jason B. West, James R. Ehleringer; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2013, January, Vol. 58, No. S1, pp. S43-S51. E-Published 11/6/2012. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.12000
Trace Detection of Meglumine and Diatrizoate from Bacillus Spore Samples using Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, Catherine Swider, Kelly Maguire, Michael Rickenbach, Madeline Montgomery, Matthew Ducote, Craig Marhefka; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2012, July, Vol.57, No 4, pp 923-931. E-Published 4/26/2012. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2012.02128.x
Developmental Validation of RSIDTM-Semen: A Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Strip Test for the Forensic Detection of Human Semen, Jennifer Old, Brett A Schweers, Pravat W. Boonlayangoor, Brian Fischer, Kevin W.P. Miller, Karl Reich; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2012, March, Vol 57, No 2, pp 489-499. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2011.01968.x
Score-based Likelihood Ratios for Handwriting Evidence, Amanda B. Hepler, Christopher P. Saunders, Linda J. Davis, JoAnn Buscaglia; Forensic Science International, 2012. June, Vol 219, Issues 1-3, pp 129-140. E-published 1/30/2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2011.12.009
Repeatability and Reproducibility of Decisions by Latent Fingerprint Examiners, Bradford T. Ulery, R. Austin Hicklin, JoAnn Buscaglia, Maria Antonia Roberts; Public Library of Science (PLoS) One, 2012, 7(3): e32800. E-Published 3/12/2012. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0032800
Radiation-Induced Cathodoluminescent Signatures in Calcite, Danielle K. Silletti, Sarah A. Brokus, Elly B. Earlywine, Joshua D. Borycz, Graham F. Peaslee, Paul A. DeYoung, Nickie J. Peters, J. David Robertson, JoAnn Buscaglia; Radiation Measurements, 2012, March, Vol 47, Issue 3, pp 195-200. DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2011.12.005
Good Practice Guide for Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry, Editors: Jim Carter, Vicki Barwick. Contributors: Jim Carter, Claire Lock, Wolfram Meier-Augenstein, Helen Kemp, Sabine Schneiders, Libby Stern, Gerard van der Peijl; FIRMS, http://forensic-isotopes.org/gpg.html, 2011, ISBN 978-0-948926-31-0. E-Published 2/10/2012.
Determination of an Effective Housekeeping Gene for the Quantification of mRNA for Forensic Applications, Lilliana I. Moreno, Courtney M. Tate, Erika L. Knott, Jade E. McDaniel, Stephanie S. Rogers, Barbara W. Koons, Mark F. Kavlick, Rhonda L. Craig, and James M Robertson; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2012, July, Vol 57, No 4, pp 1051-1058. E-Published 2/6/2012. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2012.02086.x
Improved Accuracy in High-Temperature Conversion Elemental Analyzer δ18O Measurements of Nitrogen-Rich Organics, Glendon B. Hunsinger, Libby A. Stern; Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2012, Vol 26, Issue 5, pp 554-562. E-Published 1/31/2012. DOI: 10.1002/rcm.6132
Fatty Acids and Lipids, James M. Robertson, Christopher J. Ehrhardt, Jason Bannan; Chemical and Physical Signatures for Microbial Forensics, Chapter 3, 2012, pp 35-52, Humana Press. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-60327-219-3_3
Using Subsampling to Estimate the Strength of Handwriting Evidence via Score-based Likelihood Ratios, Linda J. Davis, Christopher P. Saunders, Amanda Hepler, JoAnn Buscaglia; Forensic Science International, 2012, March, Vol 216, Issues 1-3, pp 146-157. E-Published 10/22/2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2011.09.013
Evaluation of mRNA Marker Specificity for the Identification of Five Human Body Fluids by Capillary Electrophoresis, Mara L. Lennard Richard, Kathryn A. Harper, Rhonda L. Craig, Anthony J. Onorato, James M. Robertson, Joseph Donfack; Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2012, July, Vol 6, No 4, pp 452-460. E-Published 10/15/2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2011.09.007
Developmental Validation of the SPERM HY-LITERTM Kit for the Identification of Human Spermatozoa in Forensic Samples, Kevin W.P. Miller, Jennifer Old, Brian R. Fischer, Brett Schweers, Simona Stipinaite, Karl Reich; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2011, July, Vol 56, No 4, pp 853-865. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2011.01796.x
Quantification of Human Mitochondrial DNA Using Synthesized DNA Standards, Mark F. Kavlick, Helen S. Lawrence, R. Travis Merritt, Constance Fisher, Alice Isenberg, James M. Robertson, Bruce Budowle; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2011, November, Vol 56, No 6, pp 1457-1463. E-Published 9/1/2011. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2011.01871.x
Latent Fingerprint Quality: A Survey of Examiners, R. Austin Hicklin, Mark J. Burge, William Fellner, Matthew Monaco, Larry R. Pantzer, David Vera, Calvin C. Yeung, Ted N. Unnikumaran, JoAnn Buscaglia, Maria Antonia Roberts, Stephen B. Meagher; Journal of Forensic Identification, 2011, July/August, Vol 61, No 4, pp 385-417.
Forensic Utility of Carbon Isotope Ratio Variations in PVC Tape Backings, Marianne E. Dietz, Libby A. Stern, Andria Hobbs Mehltretter, Ashley Parish, Velvet McLasky, Roman Aranda IV; Science and Justice, 2012, Vol 52, pp 25-32. E-Published 7/5/2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.scijus.2011.05.003
Evaluation of Circular DNA Substrates for Whole Genome Amplification Prior to Forensic Analysis, Courtney M. Tate, Ada N. Nunez, Cori L. Goldstein, Iva Gomes, James M. Roberston, Mark F. Kavlick, Bruce Budowle; Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2012, Vol 6, Issue 2, pp 185-190. E-Published 05/11/2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2011.04.011
Accuracy and Reliability of Forensic Latent Fingerprint Decisions, Bradford T. Ulery, R. Austin Hicklin, JoAnn Buscaglia, Maria Antonia Roberts; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011, May, Vol 108, No 19, pp 7733-7738. E-Published 04/25/2011. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1018707108; Raw Data Files
Effects of Radiation on Established Forensic Evidence Containment Methods, Caitlin E. Ferguson, Martine C. Duff, Elliot A. Clark, Glenn K. Chapman, Jeffrey L. Leggitt, Keith L. Monson; Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2011, Vol 288, No 2, pp 455-465. E-Published 1/12/2011. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-010-0952-3
Using Automated Comparisons to Quantify Handwriting Individuality, Christopher P. Saunders, Linda J. Davis, JoAnn Buscaglia; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2011, May, Vol 56, No 3, pp 683-689. E-Published 3/10/2011. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2011.01713.x
Evaluation of Match Criteria Used for the Comparison of Refractive Index of Glass Fragments, Elizabeth Garvin, Robert D. Koons; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2011, March, Vol 56, No 2, pp 491-500. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2010.01634.x
Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Field Samples by HPLC/FD and HPLC/ED in DC Mode, Megan Tarvin, Bruce McCord, Kelly Mount, Mark L. Miller; Forensic Science International, 2011, Vol 209, pp 166-172. E-Published 02/16/2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2011.01.024
Characterization of Children’s Latent Fingerprint Residues by Infrared Microspectroscopy: Forensic Implications, Diane Keith Williams, Corrie Brown, Justine Bruker; Forensic Science International, 2011, Vol 206, Issue 1, pp 161-165. E-Published 02/08/2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2010.07.033
Optimization of Two Methods for the Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide: High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection and High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection in Direct Current Mode, Megan Tarvin, Bruce McCord, Kelly Mount, Katy Sherlach, Mark L. Miller; Journal of Chromatography A, 2010, November, Vol 1217, No 48, pp 7564-7572. E-Published 10/12/2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2010.10.022
Forensic Utility of Isotope Ratio Analysis of the Explosive Urea Nitrate and its Precursors, Roman Aranda IV, Libby A. Stern, Marianne E. Dietz, Meagan C. McCormick, Jason A. Barrow, Robert F. Mothershead II; Forensic Science International, 2011, Vol 206, pp 143-149. E-Published 08/21/2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2010.07.030
Using Gas Chromatography with Ion Mobility Spectrometry to Resolve Explosive Compounds in the Presence of Interferents, Greg W. Cook, Peter T. LaPuma, Gary L. Hook, Brian A. Eckenrode; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2010, November, Vol 55, No 6, pp 1582-1591. E-Published 08/23/2010. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2010.01522.x
Evaluation of Commercial RNA Extraction Kits for the Isolation of Viral MS2 RNA from Soil, Shauna M. Dineen, Roman Aranda, Marianne E. Dietz, Douglas L. Anders, James M. Robertson; Journal of Virological Methods, 2010, September, Vol. 168, Issues 1-2, pp 44-50. E-Published 04/24/2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2010.04.014
Analysis of Ascorbic Acid-Based Black Powder Substitutes by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization Quadrupole Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, Megan Bottegal, Lisa Lang, Mark Miller, Bruce McCord; Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2010, Vol 24, pp 1377-1386. DOI: 10.1002/rcm.4520
A Statistical Validation of the Individuality and Repeatability of Striated Tool Marks: Screwdrivers and Tongue and Groove Pliers, Benjamin Bachrach, Anurag Jain, Sung Jung, Robert D. Koons; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2010, March, Vol 55, No 2, pp 348-357. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2009.01221.x
Use of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Profiles for Discrimination of Bacillus cereus T-strain Spores Grown on Different Media, Christopher J. Ehrhardt, Vivian Chu, TeeCie Brown, Terrie L. Simmons, Brandon K. Swan, Jason Bannan, James M. Robertson; Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2010, March, Vol 76, No 6, pp 1902-1912. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02443-09
Discrimination and Phylogenomic Classification of Bacillus anthracis-cereus-thuringiensis Strains Based on LC-MS/MS Analysis of Whole Cell Protein Digests, Jacek P. Dworzanski, Danielle N. Dickinson, Samir V. Despande, A. Peter Synder, Brian A. Eckenrode; Analytical Chemistry, 2010, Vol 82, No 1, pp 145-155. DOI: 10.1021/ac9015648
An Evaluation of Commercial DNA Extraction Kits for the Isolation of Bacterial Spore DNA from Soil, Shauna M. Dineen, Roman Aranda IV, Douglas L. Anders, James M. Robertson; Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2010, December, Vol 109, No 6, pp 1886-1896. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2010.04816.x
Directly Heated High Surface Area Solid Phase Microextraction Sampler for Rapid Field Forensic Analyses, Scott A. Ramsey, Robert V. Mustacich, Philip A. Smith, Gary L. Hook, Brian A. Eckenrode; Analytical Chemistry, 2009, November, Vol 81, No 21, pp 8724-8733. DOI: 10.1021/ac900565s
Phylogeny and Molecular Taxonomy of the Bacillus subtilis Species Complex and Description of Bacillus subtilis subsp. inaquosorum subsp. nov., Alejandro P. Rooney, Neil P. J. Price, Christopher Ehrhardt, James L. Swezey, Jason D. Bannan; International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2009, Vol. 59, pp 2429-2436. E-Published 7/21/2009. DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.009126-0
Characterization of the Volatile Organic Compounds Present in the Headspace of Decomposing Human Remains, Erin M. Hoffman, Allison M. Curran, Nishan Dulgerian, Rex A Stockham, Brian A. Eckenrode; Forensic Science International, 2009, April, Vol 186, Issue 1, pp 6-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2008.12.022
Application of Circular Ligase to Provide Templates for Rolling Circle Amplification of Low Amounts of Fragmented DNA, Ada N. Nunez, Mark F. Kavlick, James M. Robertson, Bruce Budowle; Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Human Identification, 2009, www.promega.com/~/media/files/resources/conference%20proceedings/ishi%2019
Analysis of Titanium Dioxide in Synthetic Fibers Using Raman Microspectroscopy, Brandi C. Vann, S. Michael Angel, James E. Hendrix, Edward G. Bartick, Stephen L. Morgan; Applied Spectroscopy, 2009, April, Vol 63, Issue 4, pp 407-411. DOI: 10.1366/000370209787944389
Comparison and Evaluation of RNA Quantification Methods Using Viral, Prokaryotic, and Eukaryotic RNA Over a 104 Concentration Range, Roman Aranda IV, Shauna M. Dineen, Rhonda L. Craig, Richard A. Guerrieri, James M. Robertson; Analytical Biochemistry, 2009, Vol. 387, pp 122-127 . DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2009.01.003
The Microbial Rosetta Stone: A Database System for Tracking Infectious Microorganisms, Kumar L. Hari, Alan T. Goates, Ravi Jain, Aaron Towers, Vanessa S. Harpin, James M. Robertson, Mark R. Wilson, Vivek S. Samant, David J. Ecker, John A. McNeil, Bruce Budowle; International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2009, Vol. 123, pp 65-69. E-Published 2008. DOI: 10.1007/s00414-008-0247-1
Recovery Efficiencies of Anthrax Spores and Ricin from Nonporous or Nonabsorbent and Porous or Absorbent Surfaces by a Variety of Sampling Methods, Dody A. Frawley, Marian N. Samaan, Robert L. Bull, James M. Robertson, Alfred J. Mateczun, Peter C.B. Turnbull; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2008, September, Vol 53, No 5, pp 1102-1107. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2008.00811.x
Odor Analysis of Decomposing Buried Human Remains, Arpad A. Vass, Rob R. Smith, Cyril V. Thompson, Michael N. Burnett, Nishan Dulgerian, Brian A. Eckenrode; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2008, March, Vol 53, No 2, pp 384-391. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2008.00680.x
Solid Phase Microextraction Sampling of High Explosive Residues in the Presence of Radionuclides and Radionuclide Surrogate Metals, M. Duff, S. Crump, R. Ray, W. Cotham, S. Lamont, D. Beals, K. Mount, R. Koons, J. Leggitt; Journal of Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry, 2008, Vol 275, No 3, pp 579-593. E-Published October 2007. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-007-7116-0
Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging for Noninvasive Detection of Latent Fingerprints, Nicole J. Crane, Edward G. Bartick, Rebecca Schwartz Perlman, Scott Huffman; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2007, Vol 52, No 1, pp 48-53. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2006.00330.x
Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of the Domestic Dog: Control Region Variation Within and Among Breeds, Rebekah L. Gundry, Marc W. Allard, Tamyra R. Moretti, Rodney L. Honeycutt, Mark R. Wilson, Keith L. Monson, David R. Foran; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2007, May, Vol 52, No 3, pp 562-572. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2007.00425.x
Applications of Cathodoluminescence in Forensic Science, Christopher S. Palenik, JoAnn Buscaglia; Chapter 6 in Forensic Analysis on the Cutting Edge - New Methods for Trace Evidence Analysis; R. Blackledge (editor), 2007, July, Wiley-Interscience Publisher, ISBN-10: 041716448. DOI: 10.1002/9780470166932.ch6
Latent Invisible Trace Evidence: Chemical Detection Strategies, Gabor Patonay, Brian A. Eckenrode, James J. Krutak, Jozef Salon, Lucjan Strekowski; Chapter 5 in Forensic Analysis on the Cutting Edge - New Methods for Trace Evidence Analysis; R. Blackledge (editor), 2007, July, Wiley-Interscience Publisher, ISBN-10: 041716448. DOI: 10.1002/9780470166932.ch5
Discrimination of Forensic Analytical Chemical Data Using Multivariate Statistics, Stephen L. Morgan, Edward G. Bartick; Chapter 13 in Forensic Analysis on the Cutting Edge - New Methods for Trace Evidence Analysis; R. Blackledge (editor), 2007, July, Wiley-Interscience Publisher, ISBN-10: 041716448. DOI: 10.1002/9780470166932.ch13
Extraction of Nuclear DNA from Bone of Skeletonized and Fluid-Preserved Museum Specimens, Bryan L. Stuart, Kerri A. Dugan, Marc W. Allard, Maureen Kearney; Systematics and Biodiversity, 2006, Vol 4, Issue 2, pp 133-136. DOI: 10.1017/S1477200005001891
A Blind Accuracy Assessment of Computer-Modeled Forensic Facial Reconstruction Using Computed Tomography Data From Live Subjects, Caroline M. Wilkinson, Chris Rynn, Heather Peters, Myke Taister, Chung How Kau, Stephen Richmond; Journal of Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology, 2006, Vol 2, Number 3, pp 179-187. DOI: 10.1007/s12024-006-0007-9
Performance Evaluation of the Scent Transfer UnitTM (STU-100) for Organic Compound Collection and Release, Brian A. Eckenrode, Scott A. Ramsey, Rex A. Stockham, Gary J. Van Berkel, Keiji G. Asano, Dennis A. Wolf; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2006, Vol 51, No 4, pp 780-789. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2006.00178.x
Bank Security Dye Packs: Synthesis, Isolation, and Characterization of Chlorinated Products of Bleached 1-(methylamino)anthraquinone, James M. Egan, Michael Rickenbach, Kim E. Mooney, Chris S. Palenik, Rebecca Golombeck, Karl T. Mueller; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2006, November , Vol 51, No 6, pp 1276-1283 . DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2006.00295.x
Evaluation of Variation in Control Region Sequences for Hispanic Individuals in the SWGDAM mtDNA Data Set, Marc W. Allard, Deborah Polanskey, Mark R. Wilson, Keith L. Monson, Bruce Budowle; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2006, May, Vol 51, No 3, pp 566-573. DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2006.00136.x
Capillary Electrophoresis Screening of Poisonous Anions Extracted from Biological Samples, Robert Gillette, Janet M. Doyle, Mark L. Miller, Madeline E. Montgomery, George W. Mushrush; Journal of Chromatography B, 2006, February, Vol 831, Issue 1-2, pp 190-195. E-Published 1/6/2006. DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2005.10.054
Review of the Scientific Basis for Friction Ridge Comparisons as a Means of Identification: Committee Findings and Recommendations, Bruce Budowle, JoAnn Buscaglia, Rebecca Schwartz-Perlman; Forensic Science Communications, 2006, January, Vol 8, No 1.
The Identification of Mivacurium and Metabolites in Biological Samples, Madeline A. Montgomery, Marc A. LeBeau, Mark L. Miller, Rebecca A. Jufer; Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2005, Vol 29, Issue 7, pp 637-642.
A Novel Method of Automated Skull Registration for Forensic Facial Approximation, Wesley D. Turner, Rebecca E. Brown, Timothy P. Kelliher, Peter H. Tu, Myke A. Taister, and Kevin W.P. Miller; Forensic Science International, 2005, November, Vol 154, No 2-3, pp 149-158. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2004.10.003
SNPsFinder: A Web-Based Application for Genome-Wide Discovery of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Microbial Genomes, Jian Song, Yan Xu, Scott White, Kevin W.P. Miller, Murray Wolinsky; Bioinformatics, 2005, May, Vol 21, No 9, pp 2083-2084. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bti176
Development and Evaluation of a Standard Method for the Quantitative Determination of Elements in Float Glass Samples by LA-ICP-MS, Christopher Latkoczy, Stefan Becker, Marc Ducking, Detlef Gunther, Jurian A. Hoogewerff, Jose R. Almirall, JoAnn Buscaglia, Andrew Dobney, Robert D. Koons, Shirly Montero, Gerard van der Peijl, Wilfried R.S. Stocklein, Tatiana Trejos, John R. Watling, Vincent S. Zdanowicz; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2005, Vol 50, No 6. DOI: 10.1520/jfs2005091
Characterization of Human Control Region Sequences of the African American SWGDAM Forensic MtDNA Data Set, Marc W. Allard, Deborah Polanskey, Kevin Miller, Mark R. Wilson, Keith L. Monson, Bruce Budowle; Forensic Science International, 2005, Vol 148, Issue 1-2, pp 169-179. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2004.06.001
Towards Smaller and Faster Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Systems for Field Chemical Detection, P. Smith, M. Sng, B. Eckenrode, S. Leow, D. Koch, R. Erickson, C. Lepage, G. Hook; Journal of Chromatography A, 2005, March, Vol 1067, Issues 1-2, pp 285-294. DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2004.11.008
Forensic Analysis of Blue Ballpoint Pen Inks Using Capillary Electrophoresis, Jason D. Brewer, Kristin A. Hagan, James M. Egan; Forensic Science Communications, 2005, July, Vol 7, No 3.
Forensic Analysis of Black Ballpoint Pen Inks Using Capillary Electrophoresis, James M. Egan, Kristin A. Hagan, Jason D. Brewer; Forensic Science Communications, 2005, July, Vol 7, Number 3.
Forensic Significance of Bullet Lead Compositions, Robert D. Koons, JoAnn Buscaglia; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2005, March, Vol 50, No 2, pp 341-351. DOI: 10.1520/JFS2004212