Need to Know: User Fee Changes; CJIS Information Letters on LEO
March 19, 2012
User Fee Changes for Criminal History Record Information Checks, Decreases Noted
With the cost of most goods and services on the rise, many fingerprint contributors are actually seeing decreased processing costs. Effective March 19, 2012, the CJIS Division implemented its revised fee schedule for processing criminal history record information (CHRI) checks. In general, fees for fingerprint-based CHRI checks decreased, and fees for name-based CHRI checks remained the same. For example, the fee for processing electronic fingerprint submissions decreased from $19.25 to $16.50, and the fee for processing electronic name checks remained unchanged at $2.25. Volunteers seeking positions of trust in accordance with the National Child Protection Act get a decrease of 25¢ per transaction.
The changes are the result of an analysis of costs associated with providing the checks using criteria from the Office of Management and Budget’s Circular A-25, User Charges. With these criteria and the increased number of billable transactions, the CJIS Division was able to decrease the cost per individual transaction. The adjustments were publicized on December 20, 2011, via a Notice in the Federal Register.
Please note that the FBI bills agencies based upon the number of transactions completed as opposed to the number of transactions received. Fingerprint contributors with specific questions regarding their fees should contact the centralized billing service provider to which they submit fingerprints.
CJIS Information Letters Available on the Law Enforcement Online
CJIS Information Letters are available via the Internet on the Law Enforcement Online (LEO) or by clicking the following series of links: SIGs, Unrestricted, CJIS, General Information, CJIS Informational Letters. Users with questions concerning access to the LEO should contact the LEO Help Desk by telephone at (888) 334-4536.