Image repository
Cargo Theft Logo
Logo for the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program's Cargo Theft data collection.
Hate Crime Logo
Logo for the FBI's Hate Crime Statistics data collection, part of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program.
Summary Reporting System (SRS) Logo
Logo for the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program's Summary Reporting System (SRS).
NIBRS Superior to SRS Infographic
Infographic depicting why NIBRS is superior to SRS (provides greater specificity in reporting offenses, collects more detailed information, helps give context to specific crime problems, provides greater analytic flexibility).
NIBRS Transition Road Sign
Graphic depicting the road sign transition to NIBRS (National Incident-Based Reporting System)
ERT Training Crime Scene Tape
Evidence Response Team members participate in training in the background behind a stretch of crime scene tape.
Questioned Documents Examiner
A document examiner from the Questioned Documents Unit in the FBI Laboratory examines a questioned document.
Crime Scene (Stock Image)
Stock image of crime scene tape with blurred crime scene investigators in the background.
Police Week Vigil
A candlelight vigil for law enforcement officers during National Police Week, an annual tribute to law enforcement officers across the U.S. who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
LEEP Graphic
The Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal, or LEEP, is an electronic gateway that provides law enforcement agencies, intelligence partners, and criminal justice entities with centralized access to many different resources and services via a single sign-on.
Police Badge with Data Numbers (Stock Image)
Stock image depicting a police badge with an overlay of numbers representing crime data.
Exterior of CJIS
Exterior of the Criminal Justice Information Services Division building in West Virginia.
Agents in Hallway
Two agents walk down a hallway, with one wearing a Joint Terrorism Task Force jacket.
Officers Riding on Motorcycles
Officers take part in the Police Unity Tour as a way to pay tribute to their fellow officers killed in the line of duty.
DNA Testing
A biologist performs DNA testing at the Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (TEDAC) in Huntsville, Alabama.
Latent Print Operations
A latent print examiner at work in the FBI Laboratory in Quantico, Virginia.
Next Generation Identification Graphic (Stock Image)
Stock image of a fingerprint over some digital graphics.
Iris Image Capture Device
Two people demonstrate how a device is used to capture imagery of irises for the Next Generation Identification (NGI) Iris Service.
National Instant Criminal Background Check System Icon
National Instant Criminal Background Check System Icon
Crime in 2020 Graphic
Graphic showing violent crimes (up 5.6% from 2019) and property crimes (down 7.8 percent from 2019).
Anti-Hate Crime Ad
Anti-hate crime ad produced by FBI New York. Did you know many hate crimes are not reported? The FBI wants to help. Report to 1-800-FBI or
National Threat Operations Center (NTOC)
A threat intake examiner stands at a computer in the FBI's National Threat Operations Center in Clarksburg, West Virginia.
NIBRS 2019 Infographic
Pie chart showing the breakdown of types of crimes reported in the NIBRS, 2019 report.
CJIS Fingerprint Examiner
An examiner checks fingerprints at the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division in Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Crime in the United States 2018 Infographic
A pie chart breakdown of the types of violent and property crimes categorized in the Crime in the United States, 2018 report.
Fingerprint Under Magnifying Glass (Stock Image)
Stock image of a magnifying glass over a fingerprint.
2017 N-Dex Award Winners
During a ceremony at the FBI's CJIS Division on August 29, 2017, members of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department were presented with the 2017 National Data Exchange (N-DEx) Success Story of the Year award for their use of the N-DEx system in a sex trafficking investigation. (From CJIS Link article)
2016 N-DEx Success Story of the Year Award Winners
(L-R) LInX Rio Grande Region Major Jessica Tyler, RMIN Regional Projects Coordinator Garry Joseph, RMIN Criminal Analyst Sarah C. Jex Hart, NCIS Executive Assistant Director Chris Cote, Laguna Police Department Investigator David Clendenin, Laguna Police Lieutenant Greg Concho.
Photo Collage of Hoover and Comey Delivering Speeches with UCR Seal in Foreground
J. Edgar Hoover and James Comey are shown in two separate photos delivering speeches with UCR seal in foreground All FBI Directors rely on UCR data.
CJIS Link Photo Finish: Resources to Combat Active Shooter Incidents
Graphic depicting resources to combat active shooter incidents.
2014 N-DEx Success Story of the Year Award Recipients
In September 2014, the Maryland State Police and the ATF were selected as the winners of the N-DEx Program Success Story of the Year award for their use of the system’s data to connect a seemingly routine situation with a larger ongoing investigation.
CJIS Link Photo Finish: CJIS Honors Fallen Officers with Memorial Service, May 2014
The Criminal Justice Information Services Division honored fallen enforcement officers with a memorial service in May 2014 .
Massachusetts State Trooper Christopher Dolan, CJIS 2014 Hit of the Year
Massachusetts State Trooper Christopher Dolan, a latent print examiner assigned to 1984 cold case that was selected as the CJIS Division's 2014 Hit of the Year.
System Records Set at CJIS in 2014
Graphic depicting records set by NCIC, NICS, N-DEx, and IAFIS in 2014.
CJIS Link Photo Finish: Your Mug Shots Should Look Much Like This
Considerations for useful mug shots include positioning the subject’s head straight-on, using proper lighting, and maintaining the right distance from the subject.
CJIS Link Photo Finish: Pamela Hotsinpiller Wins 2012 DCLA
Pamela Hotsinpiller was the CJIS Division's 2012 recipient of the Director's Community Leadership Award.
CJIS Link Photo Finish: UCR, Vintage to Virtual
Since its inception in 1929, the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program has presented data to the public in useful and interesting ways. See the transformation in data presentation.
CJIS Link Photo Finish: Law Enforcement Memorial, May 2012
Six image from the CJIS law enforcement memorial on May 21, 2012 showing U.S. flags, speakers, wreath laying, and more.
Senior Crime Scene Laboratory Techncian Laura Casey, 2012 CJIS Hit of the Year
Senior Crime Scene Laboratory Technician Laura Casey worked on a 1978 murder case that was selected as the CJIS Division's 2012 Hit of the Year.
Detective Douglas Herout, 2012 CJIS Hit of the Year
Detective Douglas Herout worked on a 1978 murder case that was selected as the CJIS Division's 2012 Hit of the Year.
CJIS Link Photo Finish - Celebrating CJIS
Photos show the then-future home of CJIS in 1993, the finished structure when CJIS celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2011, and new construction on campus.
National Bioforensic Analysis Center Lab
A document examiner looks at a piece of evidence in an NBFAC lab.
FBI’s Office of Partner Engagement: At a Glance
FBI’s Office of Partner Engagement At a Glance 20+ active relationships with law enforcement membership associations, managing or participating in over 40 conferences annually, which gives OPE a direct line of communication with a large portion of the nation's law enforcement community and its partners. 1,500+ law enforcement, homeland security, and other community partners across the United States participate—on average—in an OPE national partner call for information sharing. Intelligence Training 6 Core Intelligence training courses (and many more, plus webinars) in OPE's catalog 1,400+ students trained since 2017, including FBI and law enforcement professionals from more than 170 agencies Information & Intelligence Sharing Products 1,100+ annual products regularly distributed to the law enforcement community: Public Safety Awareness Reports (PSARs), LE Watch, SITREPs, intelligence news emails, advisories, bulletins Specialized Resources Active Shooter Program Identifies and categorizes active shooter incidents, trains response techniques for law enforcement and civilians, produces educational and documentary videos Fusion Centers Support state and local focal points who receive, analyze, and share major crime- and threat-related information with law enforcement partners Police Executive Fellowship Program Six-month temporary duty offers law enforcement executives to embed in an FBIHQ division or JCAT and share expertise and intelligence eGuardian System Allows law enforcement agencies to combine new suspicious activity reports with existing ones to form a single information repository Active Shooter Incident Reports and Studies Detailed updates on specific active shooter incidents and annual trends 2000: 3 2010: 27 2021: 61 (Numbers are annual incident totals)
FBI Releases Data on Law Enforcement Officer Deaths from January Through October 2022 Graphic
Key observations text: The 54 law enforcement officers feloniously killed in the first ten months of 2022 represent a 12.9 percent decrease compared to the 62 officers killed during the same period in 2021. Firearms were used in 83.3 percent of the felonious deaths in 2022, with most of the type of firearm used not currently reported. The leading circumstances surrounding officers’ deaths included activities related to ambushes on officers, investigative/enforcement activity, unprovoked attacks on officers, and response to disorderly/disturbance calls. The 12 ambush attacks in 2022 are a 100 percent increase compared to the six ambush attacks in the same time period in 2021. Conversely, unprovoked attacks in 2022 (six) decreased 71.4 percent compared to the same time period in 2021 (21). Accidental law enforcement deaths decreased four percent when comparing the first ten months of 2022 (48) with those of 2021 (50). The accidental deaths in 2022 were due primarily to motor vehicle accidents, pedestrian officers being struck by vehicles, and airplane crashes. The southern region has the most law enforcement deaths in 2022, with 53 deaths total (26 felonious, 27 accidental). Although not represented in the below graphic, 74 officers have died in the line of duty in 2022 from the following medical conditions: 51 officers from illnesses related to COVID-19, 11 officers due to heart attacks, three officers from conditions as a result of response to 9/11, and nine officers due to other natural causes. The graphic also includes officer deaths by month, officer deaths by year, officer deaths by region, time of incident, location of fatal firearm wound, circumstances of officer deaths, weapons used by offender, distance from firearm, clearances of incidents, and incidents and victims. Dated 11/1/2022.
FBI Releases Preliminary Data on Law Enforcement Officer Deaths from January through November 2022 Graphic
Key observations text: The 55 law enforcement officers feloniously killed in the first eleven months of 2022 represent a 17.9 percent decrease compared to the 67 officers killed during the same period in 2021. Firearms were used in 83.6 percent of the felonious deaths in 2022, with 51 percent of the type of firearm used not currently reported. The leading circumstances surrounding officers’ felonious killings included activities related to ambushes on officers, investigative/enforcement activity, unprovoked attacks on officers, and response to disorderly/disturbance calls. The 12 ambush attacks in 2022 are a 71.4 percent increase compared to the seven ambush attacks in the same time period in 2021. Conversely, unprovoked attacks in 2022 (6) decreased 72.7 percent compared to the same time period in 2021 (22). Accidental law enforcement deaths decreased 1.9 percent when comparing the first eleven months of 2022 (51) with those of 2021 (52). The accidental deaths in 2022 were due primarily to motor vehicle accidents, pedestrian officers being struck by vehicles, and airplane crashes. The southern region has the most law enforcement deaths in 2022, with 56 deaths total (27 felonious, 29 accidental). Although not represented in the below graphic, 80 officers have died in the line of duty in 2022 from the following medical conditions: 52 officers from illnesses related to COVID-19, 11 officers due to heart attacks, five officers from conditions as a result of response to 9/11, and 12 officers due to other natural causes. Dated 12/1/2022.
FBI Releases Data on Law Enforcement Officer Deaths from January through December 2022 Graphic
The 60 law enforcement officers feloniously killed in 2022 represent a 17.8 percent decrease compared to the 73 officers killed during 2021. Firearms were used in 81.7 percent of the felonious deaths in 2022, with 59.2 percent of the type of firearm used not currently reported. The leading circumstances surrounding officers’ deaths included activities related to ambushes on officers, investigative/enforcement activities, unprovoked attacks on officers, and responses to disorderly/disturbance calls. The 12 ambush attacks in 2022 are a 50 percent increase compared to the eight ambush attacks in 2021. Conversely, unprovoked attacks in 2022 (six) decreased 75 percent compared to 2021 (24). Accidental law enforcement deaths increased 3.6 percent in 2022 (58) compared to 2021 (56). The accidental deaths in 2022 were due primarily to motor vehicle accidents, pedestrian officers being struck by vehicles, and airplane crashes. The southern region had the most law enforcement deaths in 2022, with 65 deaths total (31 felonious, 34 accidental). Although not represented in the graphics below, 81 died in the line of duty in 2022 from the following medical conditions: 52 officers from illnesses related to COVID-19, 12 officers due to heart attacks, five officers from conditions as a result of responses to 9/11, and 12 officers due to other natural causes.
Law Enforcement Officer Deaths January 1, 2023 - January 31, 2023
This is a graphic presentation of line-of-duty deaths, both felonious and accidental, collected from law enforcement agencies across the United States and U.S. territories by the FBI’s Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted Data Collection. This preliminary information is provided for officer safety studies, training, and other initiatives. The data are also published annually in the Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted release. The below data is accurate as of 1/31/2023.
Federal DNA Database: Do Not Recollect
This image shows a NCIC response stating: Do Not Collect DNA, which indicates that you do not need to recollect the sample
Federal DNA Database: Recollect
This image shows a NCIC response stating: Collect DNA, which indicates that you do not need to recollect the sample
JusticeConnect Screen Capture
JusticeConnect is a criminal justice network which facilitates real-time collaboration, information sharing, partnership development, and project management for federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial partners in a secure environment.
CJIS Division 2023 Year in Review report cover
This image is a screenshot of the cover of the CJIS Division's 2023 Year in Review. This image is a screenshot of the cover of the CJIS Division's 2023 Year in Review. It features images of three law enforcement personnel in front of a police car, as well as the FBI seal and a "connect, identify, know" logo.