Second Installment of LEOKA Released
September 11, 2018
The FBI released the second installment of the annual publication Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA), 2017, on July 30. This installment includes statistics about officers assaulted in the line of duty.
In 2017, law enforcement agencies reported 60,211 officers were assaulted while on duty. Of those assaulted officers, 17,476 received injuries; 30.4 percent of all assaulted officers were responding to disturbance calls, such as family disputes or bar fights; and 76.8 percent of assaulted officers were attacked by personal weapons (hands, fists, or feet).
The FBI will release the third installment of LEOKA, 2017, this fall. The fall installment will include brief narratives describing several officer assaults, as well as statistics on officers assaulted and injured with firearms or knives/other cutting instruments.
For more information on the second installment, view the data tables at