Second 2018 LEOKA Installment Released
November 26, 2019
The FBI released the second Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, 2018 installment on Oct. 21. This release included data reported to the FBI on law enforcement officers assaulted in the line of duty last year. This section also includes detailed assault data containing statistics and narratives concerning a subset of assault incidents in which officers received injuries with firearms, knives, or other cutting instruments.
In 2018, of the 58,866 officers assaulted while performing their duties, 30.6 percent were injured. The largest percentage of victim officers (31.0 percent) were assaulted while responding to disturbance calls. Assailants used personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.) in 79.3 percent of the incidents, firearms in 3.6 percent of incidents, and knives or other cutting instruments in 2.0 percent of the incidents. Other types of dangerous weapons were used in 15.1 percent of assaults.
The first release in May 2019 included three sections with data and statistics concerning officers feloniously and accidentally killed and statistics about federal officers killed and/or assaulted.
For more information on the second installment, view the data tables at